Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Facebook Privacy

I read the following article on USAtoday.com today and it really made me mad.

Senators see privacy problem in Facebook expansion

Four US Senators sent a letter to facebook saying they need to do more to protect the privacy of thier users. While this may or may not be true, we need to remember that everyone that uses facebook does so by choice. It is meant for entertainment. The user is in complete control of his own profile. If he posts his bank account number and credit card information, it is his responsibility and not that of facebook's. If an employee posts a picture of himself hitting a bong in senior week and subsequntly gets fired, it was his responsibilty; it was not the responsibility of facebook to protect him.

Likewise, doesn't the Senate have anything better to be doing? Is Senator Schumer worried that facebook will expose his bizarre taste in porn? I would not be surprised if most Senators spent more time on facebook than actually talking to constituents. We are fighting two wars, are over $10 trillion in debt, and have absolutely no way to pay for all of the government liabilities over the next few decades. These Senators should find something else to do other than bully around facebook.

If you don't like what facebook is doing, delete your account. If enough people do it, they lose money and change thier ways. That is how a free market and a free country works.


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